This beautiful work is a collaboration by a group of children from Sacred Heart School, Tallaght, and Set Square Collective a group of visual artists and set designers (who did what the children told them!) and set about picking each others brains and learning each others expertise! The result is a fantastical story developed through sculpture, drawing, playing, singing, thinking, talking, laughing, and general messing around; reflecting the unique thinking process that happens when a group of 10 and 11 year olds get together with playful, supportive artists.
This story sees our heroes go on a quest through a series of fantasy worlds, facing many different challenges, scenarios, and emotions with which we are all familiar, from excitement, longing, anger and trepidation to love, resilience and the joy of getting back home. The set was created using cardboard boxes and paint. Each scene moved the boxes to reveal another configuration of the set.
The Mystery Of Hair’s Father was originally commissioned by Ready, Steady SHOW! at The Civic, 2023